The aim of this study was to compare the meat quality of pork meat from Czech Large White pigs divided into the different quality classes. The research was performed on chosen meat material selected from 144 pigs divided into RFN (n=74), PSE (n=66) and DFD (n=4). The focus was to study pH, electrical conductivity and drip loss in relation to colour measurements (CIELAB). PSE meat was characterised by low pH (5.45), high electrical conductivity (10.77 and high drip loss (4.13%), RFN meat statistically differed with a pH of 5.53, EC of 8.44 and drip loss of 2.87%. Lighter meat had a tendency towards PSE. Mean values of pH and conductivity were in close correlation with drip loss (r = -0.29 and r = 0.38, resp.) and lightness L* (r = -0.64 and 0.47, resp.), and also between L* and drip loss (r = 0.57). The study shows the importance of measurement for whole meat quality determination of pH, EC and drip loss, with the addition of colour, are the basis of laboratory parameters and analysis. Lightness L* was near correlated (r = 0.67) with yellowness (b*), while redness a* did not play such a significant role.
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The relationship between colour and other meat quality traits in Czech Large White pigs
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The relationship between colour and other meat quality traits in Czech Large White pigs
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