The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding a powdered extract of grapes on the quality of Poličan dry fermented sausages, and Vysočina dry non-fermented sausages. Samples of these meat products were prepared by the Department of Meat Hygiene and Technology, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno. The following parameters were monitored: pH value, water activity, chemical composition (amount of dry matter, fat, collagen, protein, and malondialdehyde – TBARs scores), colour properties (L* – lightness, a* – redness, b* – yellowness), and the sensory properties. The extract had no effect on the composition or the main quality parameters. The samples of Poličan enriched with the extract were found to have lower TBARs scores in the curing period and better sensory properties as well.
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The use of extract from blue grapes in the manufacturing of dry sausages
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The use of extract from blue grapes in the manufacturing of dry sausages
Filename: maso-international-2012-1-page-039-043.pdf | Size: 638.5 KB | Downloads: 1060