The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soluble collagen on the texture of farmed fallow deer (Dama dama) meat. We evaluated two parts of the body (leg – Musculus gluteus medius, and shoulder – Musculus triceps brachii). The total content of collagen and soluble collagen and the texture parameters of selected samples of farmed fallow deer meat were determined in the work. Noticeable differences can be seen in these results in the content of total collagen and soluble collagen and texture parameters (TPA). A statistically significant difference was detected only in the content of total collagen (P < 0.05). The dependence was proven here, showing that the more soluble collagen there is, the more tender (softer) the meat is, and the maximum TPA is therefore lower. The shoulder had a higher content of soluble collagen in mg.g-1 (1.98 mg.g-1), and a lower TPA (36.82 N) was used in measuring texture. The result was a more tender (softer) shoulder.
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The effect of soluble collagen on the texture of fallow deer meat
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The effect of soluble collagen on the texture of fallow deer meat
Filename: maso-international-2011-1-page-57–61.pdf | Size: 463.1 KB | Downloads: 1363